Gathering Folds Course Bundles
Whether your goal for folding origami tessellations is to descipher crease patterns on your own, to make folding tessellations fun instead of frustrating, to keep up with the latest patterns, or to develop your own style of tessellation designs, I have courses that can help get you there.
Your current skills and desired goals can help you determine which course is best to work on next, and there's often a set of courses that can be used together to achieve your goals.
This page shows the course bundle options that are tailored to different goals and sold at a nice discount!

Gathering Folds Courses
I've produced many courses for learning to fold and design origami tessellations, as well as resources centering around crease patterns or smocking techniques. The graphic above show the relative difficulties of the folding-skill-focused courses, while the remaining courses supply patterns and supplementary skills.
Here's the full list, with brief summaries:
Tessellation Foundations: Basic gridding and projects build foundational skills (free)
Advent of Tess: Mini-tessellation tutorials with crease patterns and links to related videos (free)
Basic Twists Bootcamp: Learn the eight basic twists and the easiest ways to practice them ($147)
Tessellation Starter Sequence: Learn to fold tessellations from crease patterns ($1197)
Tessellation Academy: Learn the theory and folding methods of a new topic each month ($22/month or $195/year or $975 lifetime access)
Tessellations By Tiles: Learn to fold and design tessellations based on the structure used ($1067)
Project Planning Masterclass: Learn advanced gridding and project planning ($57)
Advanced Twist Techniques: Learn the latest twists, tilings, and symmetry tricks ($57)
Tessellation Garden: Master collection of crease patterns, with 450+ designs ($194)
Smocked Stocking Stitch-A-Long: Learn to sew a tessellated Christmas stocking ($15)

Course Bundle Options

The Apprentice course bundle is for newer origami tessellation folders who want to move from folding only with video tutorials to folding from crease patterns or reverse engineering designs on their own.

Courses Included
The courses in this bundle focus on the first stages of learning to fold origami tessellations and provide many crease patterns for further exploration.
Tessellation Foundations
Advent of Tess
Basic Twists Bootcamp
Tessellation Starter Sequence
Tessellation Garden
Project Planning Masterclass
The main skills to learn in these courses are how to fold basic twists, how to recognize various structures in crease patterns, and how to use the recognized structures to make decisions about folding sequences.
Tessellation Garden has many other variations on these basic structures that are not present in the 50 Tessellation Starter Sequence lessons, which can be used to test your understanding before attempting more complex patterns.

The Zero to Hero course bundle is for newer tessellation folders who are hooked on symmetries and are determined to build the skills to design tessellations of their own.

Courses Included
The courses in this bundle cover all the stages of learning origami tessellations, with focus areas including building a strong folding skills foundation, seeing what choices were made in a design, and learning what all the most advanced options are for designing new patterns.
Tessellation Foundations
Tessellation Starter Sequence
Tessellations by Tiles
Advanced Twist Techniques
Tessellation Garden
Project Planning Masterclass
The main skills to learn in these courses are how to fold basic twists in basic structures from crease patterns, how to design tessellations in basic and advanced structures, and how to identify and use advanced twists and tilings.
Tessellation Garden has many patterns at all levels that can serve as additional practice patterns and also as a survey of what patterns have been explored already.

The Researcher course bundle is for confident folders who want to go straight to designing their own tessellations by understanding all the rules of advanced tessellation design.

Courses Included
The courses in this bundle are focused on design techniques and the horizons of origami tessellation knowledge. This is the bundle with the most office hours per month so you can ask lots of questions as you move into designing your own tessellations and get practical experience with design before trying to find your own style.
Tessellation Foundations
Basic Twists Bootcamp
Tessellation Academy
Tessellations by Tiles
Advanced Twist Techniques
Tessellation Garden
Project Planning Masterclass
While the focus of this bundle is on starting to design tessellations, the first two courses provide a foundation in techniques and terminology to refer back to as needed.
Tessellation Garden has many patterns at all levels that can serve as an inexhaustible library of patterns to fold, a source of inspiration, and also as a survey of what patterns have been explored already.

The Explorer course bundle is for experienced tessellation folders who want to keep abreast of new developments in twist-based origami tessellation design.

Courses Included
The courses in this bundle focus on the newest discoveries in twist-based origami tessellations, including the latest twists, tilings, applications of symmetry on tilings, and design techniques.
Tessellation Foundations
Tessellation Academy
Advanced Twist Techniques
Tessellation Garden
Project Planning Masterclass
The main skills to learn in these courses are how to recognize, fold, and design patterns with basic and advanced twists and tilings, leaning more towards the advanced side of the spectrum.
Tessellation Garden has many patterns at all levels that can serve as additional practice patterns, as a survey of what patterns have been explored already, and as inspiration for your own designs.

The Budget course bundle is for determined folders who want to figure out most patterns for themselves, but with support on basic best practices and advanced techniques and an inexhaustible library of crease patterns.

Courses Included
The courses in this bundle provide a skeleton for learning to fold and design origami tessellations, with courses at the very beginning and very end of the difficulty spectrum.
Tessellation Foundations
Advent of Tess
Basic Twists Bootcamp
Advanced Twist Techniques
Tessellation Garden
Project Planning Masterclass
These courses will give you a conceptual grounding in the skills used to fold origami tessellations and an inexhaustible source of patterns to challenge yourself with. You'll also have an office hour each month in case you get stuck on a pattern and additional training on advanced twists and gridding techniques.

The All-Access course bundle is for committed tessellation folders who know that they'll be folding origami tessellations for the rest of their lives.

Courses Included
The courses in this bundle include all the courses made by Gathering Folds so far and all the courses that will be made in the future. This covers the entire range of origami tessellation folding, crease patterns of all tessellation designs, all ebooks and smocking patterns, and a smocking course too!
Tessellation Foundations
Advent of Tess
Basic Twists Bootcamp
Tessellation Starter Sequence
Tessellation Academy
Tessellations by Tiles
Advanced Twist Techniques
Tessellation Garden
Project Planning Masterclass
Smocked Stocking Stitch-A-Long
When you have all the courses you'll never have to worry about missing out on anything.