$2264 USD

Tessellation Starter Sequence AND Tessellations by Tiles

Origami tessellations are learnable, they are foldable twist by twist, and there are infinitely many of them waiting to be designed.

I strongly believe that anyone can learn to fold origami tessellations - no math brain required.


Tessellation Starter Sequence is designed to get you reading crease patterns, folding from crease patterns, and folding tessellations again that you've only folded once before.

SSeq has:

  • A thorough curriculum of 50 lessons covering the most common twists and ways of arranging them

  • Annotated crease patterns to increase understanding

  • Continuous support through private course Discord channels and monthly live office hours


Tessellations by Tiles is designed to help you see the abstract structures that describe origami tessellations and the properties of those structures that can be used for planning projects, folding tessellations, and designing new tessellations.

TBT has:

  • 24 workshops that each include a description of a structure, a folding exercise, and a design exercise

  • Supporting files showing abstracted folding progressions, symmetry positions, and design choices as well as crease pattern template files

  • A library of over 150 crease patterns in the structures taught with photos and alignment properties

  • Continuous support through private course Discord channels and monthly live office hours


When you purchase these courses together, you save $600 compared to buying them separately.

This deal is only available through May 26, 2023.